Hello everyone,
We have prepared some clothing tips to ensure your comfort during your tattoo session!
Remember to dress comfortably. A tattoo session can be long, and you will have to remain seated or lying down for a good portion of the process. It is best to wear old clothes and dark colors.
The tattoo artist needs access to the area of your tattoo, so it is important to come prepared with clothes that facilitate access! It is always possible to bring spare clothes and change in privacy once you arrive at the shop, before your session.
Ladies, for the upper body, you could simply wear a swimsuit, a crop top, a tank top, or a sports bra. If your tattoo is located on an area such as the ribs, stomach, or sternum, an old shirt or a hoodie with a zipper will be very practical. For the lower body, bring a sarong, a loose dress or skirt, a bathing suit with strings, or loose pants.
Gentlemen, for the upper body: a tank top or a loose t-shirt will be perfect for the forearm, or a hoodie with a zipper. For the lower body: loose shorts or swim trunks will do. For the upper thighs, black kangaroo-style underwear (it may not be a fashion show, but it will be very practical!).
Once again, it is important to feel comfortable in your own skin and be at ease in your clothing to get a tattoo under the best conditions!
Of course, if you have any questions, please come directly to the shop at 36 Rue de Zurich, in Paquis. The reception is open every Thursday starting at 12 p.m. and Saturdays starting at 1 p.m. We will be happy to welcome you and answer your questions.
Sylvain Liengme
If this article resonated with you, we invite you to read part 1, also very useful. ;)
